6320 Scioto Darby Road, Hilliard, Ohio 43026

What if the weather outside is frightful?

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Sometimes we do not open and sometimes we need to close after we've already opened for classes, due to the weather.

We change our phone voicemail message and update our Facebook.com/HilliardTKD page first.

If we have already opened for classes and then need to close due to unexpected weather conditions, we update our Facebook page and our phone voicemail message, and if able will email every family.

ALWAYS CONFIRM IF WE ARE OR WILL STAY OPEN if it looks like we are open and the weather is iffy. If we need to close once we've opened, we cannot just turn out the lights until every student who is already in class has been picked up, so it's important that you confirm that we are open and staying open rather than dropping off and driving off.

When conditions are snowy or icy before we are scheduled to open, we drive around a few of the main and side streets as well as the parking lot in the center where Hilliard Taekwondo Academy is located.

We do not follow the public school decisions to open or close on a given day. Public schools may be closed due to morning weather but the roads are clear by the time we are scheduled to open. And the weather may be fine in the morning, but snow or ice in the afternoon makes it unsafe for us to encourage people to come to class.

We do not take the decision to close lightly and in the past we have not needed to close very often, but we do need to consider the safety of all our students, their families and our staff who may have cars designed for the average Ohio winter rather than vehicles with monster tires.

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RESCHEDULED DODGEBALL to Saturday Feb 22nd. Trainees Old Forms Help rescheduled to Monday morning Feb 17th 10 am.